The Unknown

Nirab Paudel

Chapter Two

The following day, I woke up early and got ready for work. I didn't want to trouble myself all over again thinking about last night. So, I quickly set off for work. I run a small bakery a couple of miles away from my home. I always walk the distance for conditioning. As I was walking, I decided to glance at the poster and immediately regretted it. There was no poster on the wall, but something similar to... blood; a fresh blood stain painted the wall red. It made me feel highly uncomfortable and horrendously scared. Who could the person have been, and where had I seen him? I began asking those same questions to myself all over again.

It didn't take long for the place to be surrounded by people and police officers. It was shocking how nobody had seen the person who removed the poster or stained the wall, considering the place is always filled with passers-by. It was even more surprising how nobody had ever seen the criminal or knew his name. When I asked one of the police officers, he told me there were no documents that matched the person's face, nor had the person ever appeared anywhere except the crime, and the only way they had traced his face was from a woman who described his appearance. A sketch was drawn from her description, and the woman agreed that it was the same person who killed her husband.

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